Why not open up your internal collaboration tool to your customers so they can benefit from your most valuable asset, your people?


Why don’t some companies just punch me in the face? It would be a better CX. We all know that sinking feeling when you accept that you have run out of road and you will have to contact some mega-organisation.  We are aware that the organisation has spent the last 10 years hiding its phone number 12 pages deep in its website so it’s hard to call them. It has reluctantly opened up a cheap call centre farshore but made sure you tread through pages of FAQs before you get to chat to a human. And that human is so ill-quipped at handling your query that by the fourth time of repeating it you are subhuman, and the urge to kill is real.

Or worse. You finally find the phone number and after 17 IVR questions you head into a queue sometimes without any queue number or wait time, and begin to fester.

Why do organisations do this? Simple really – great Customer Service / Experience is expensive, so the money people say to those with the purse strings “I know how to save money” and away we go.

The problem here is that money isn’t just about costs…maybe revenues enter into it? And the people who supply those revenues are these difficult things called customers.

With 74% of customers likely to buy based on their CX many organisations are realising that going for cheap might be a false economy some have moved contact centres back onshore. Many have opened up live chat channels to handle younger demographics and ubiquitous mobile access. This is progress but there is one thing that more are now considering which is not to let chat stop at their contact centre. A lot of our customers are now looking at exposing internal chat and messaging to the outside world so that a chat can be moved from the contact centre anywhere in the company. Also, paraphrasing John Dunne, no company is an island and our Cross – Org feature which allows chats to be moved to suppliers, channels or even customers is becoming increasingly sought after which I talked about here

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